thriving in the after of severe trauma : one survivor's journey

Saturday, January 9, 2016


what do you say to the man who broke your start in life?
what do you say to the women who love him?
what do you say to his children? his mother?
what do you say to his (other) victims?
with whom you share that awful, festering hole.
and who do you say it to?
what do you say when you think you are worth investing in,
but you can't hold it together?
what do you say when you remember how easily you can be (feel) 
reduced to the rubble of your past.
when you thought you had something to offer
and suddenly it feels false?
when you reach for your dignity
and find it has gone missing.
i am woman.
and i will stand
when you have stripped the last shred of dignity from my body or my soul
and defend my innocence
in the glare of your reductive lust.
i am more than you would make of me
and you are less
less than the dust you haven't left me to cover my nakedness.
because i hear what you cannot hear
the whisper of those oppressed before me
by those before you
the whores, the witches, 
the prudes the prostitutes, 
the"companions"and child brides,
the slaves and the sluts
we say they were beaten.
They say they beat the odds
and bore me.
to bear for you the burden of your indignity.
for when you have done your worst to me
i can, 
if i chose, 
walk on

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Before sharing a comment, please know that I write for myself. I write for my own growth, to help me become a more integrated and grounded person. I invite you to share in this journey in the hopes that my experience will resonate with those who need it to. My purpose is transparency rather than dialogue. As such I will not be responding to anyone individually via this site. If you are in need please seek help for yourself. I will, however, be reading your comments and stories with a heart wide open. If my words mean something to you, it is not by accident that you are here. May healing and hope always be your horizon!