thriving in the after of severe trauma : one survivor's journey

Saturday, January 9, 2016

i check my pockets for my soul

it's a thin bit of ice between me and
freaking the fuck out
but i got out
i was wandering in the dark
opening doors
till one of them led out
i took a tender step of relief
and another of trepidation

am i ready to be in the real world again?
i had set my things down to try the lock
thinking it would be stuck.
what should i bring with me now?
but my turning gaze returns only a closed door.
i didn't even hear it swing shut.
i never decided.
stand empty handed
no swords. no ghosts.
i am a warrior

did i lose myself again?
or did she slip out with me?
within me.

can i bear to carry her?
dare to burry her?
or just let her be. free
can i be. both broken and whole?
i check my pockets for my soul
i check my pockets for my soul.
am  i am a warrior. warrior ?

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Before sharing a comment, please know that I write for myself. I write for my own growth, to help me become a more integrated and grounded person. I invite you to share in this journey in the hopes that my experience will resonate with those who need it to. My purpose is transparency rather than dialogue. As such I will not be responding to anyone individually via this site. If you are in need please seek help for yourself. I will, however, be reading your comments and stories with a heart wide open. If my words mean something to you, it is not by accident that you are here. May healing and hope always be your horizon!