You are my Witness
You saw me when I was being erased.
Before I knew I was losing,
when I might have still had a chance
at innocence.
They took it,
of course,
and I went missing anyway. But,
thank you for watching me.
For, when I resurfaced,
a lost child,
churning with desperation for reasons, not yet clear to me;
obfuscated by some;
invisible to many;
incomprehensible to most;
you recognized me - because you had eyes to see,
(and you remembered me)
for you had seen me when I was yet being erased.
And when my 13 year old self sent her cry for help out in a bottle
your shore was there to receive it,
though my mother refused the lifeline you sent:
over my silent screams of protest.
and at 16, when my eyes came up for air,
your gaze was already there -
to greet me;
resting with compassion on the fugitive self within,
who I dared not know I harbored,
though her whispers echoed relentlessly about my soul:
Thank you for watching me.
You saw me when I was being systematically erased.
You were my witness.
After the escape, when my story began to unfold
before my unbelieving eyes -
you told me
how to hold myself
40 minutes at a time;
By day, by day, by day... Thank you for watching me.
For having seen me when I was being erased.
You saw me stubbornly putting the pieces back together.
And when, to my surprise,
I began to thrive,
you celebrated my successes
and my family;
never faltered over my brokenness
and guided me
with a steady hand
through the confusion
of radioactive relationships with my oppressors -
and those tainted by them,
until I was..............................finally!
all the way, free.
Thank you for watching me.
For being the one who had gone before.
For having seen me when I was being erased.
For loving me, because.
When I dared you not to,
after pandora's box I recklessly thru open,
only to see the d h of my scars
e t
and my newly happy life come crashing down
around me:
Thank you for watching me.
For being one of the EXTREMELY few,
I dared risk testing:
acting out a testament to all those erased years;
my remembering.
Thank you for remaining.
for constance
for witness
for belief
& grace
compassion * wisdom * resonance * laughter ........... and Relief
I am so much unfettered suffering
I don't know, what could possibly
be worth it.
whatever reason the r y t h m
your existence h a s comforted my soul.