thriving in the after of severe trauma : one survivor's journey

Thursday, May 26, 2016

brothers have nothing on us

           Brothers are great...

                   but sisters!

   sisters hold you legs while bear new life

sister's have seen when you never had a chance

 and sacrificed without ever telling you.

   sister's observe your every flaw

    and yet forgive your every sin.

  Only a sister can speak the harshest truth

                                                                                             in a tone that reassures

                                                                                    or wake you from troubling dreams
                                                                                                  without a start.

                                                                                     it is our sisters who restore our faith

                                                                                                   in humanity.


                                                                                  sisterhood is the sanctuary of womanhood

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Before sharing a comment, please know that I write for myself. I write for my own growth, to help me become a more integrated and grounded person. I invite you to share in this journey in the hopes that my experience will resonate with those who need it to. My purpose is transparency rather than dialogue. As such I will not be responding to anyone individually via this site. If you are in need please seek help for yourself. I will, however, be reading your comments and stories with a heart wide open. If my words mean something to you, it is not by accident that you are here. May healing and hope always be your horizon!