It was the night before christmas and the Kreiks all over australia were tucked up in their burrows.
Thad bad blondnen grinch who thought christmas was horrible said "hah, I have a plan!"
he,he,he if I can't find a reindeer, why don't I make one with my pet stolen kreik. If I can't find a santa suit why don't I make one. Moterman and I were sound asleep when we heard the sound of hee hee ha ha ha. My brother slept on but me and moterman got up and took our flashlights and lightsabers.
Hee hee ha ha ha i'm going to wreck christmas forever cackled the bad Blondnen. I jumped right outside with my warm jacket on and saw him with his sled and pretend reindeer which was just his own little Kreik. Then we got in a battle. Then I pretended to give in and handed him both ends of the electric christmas light strings. I yelled to Motorman "hey turn on the electricity" just as Bad blondnen connected them.
Zeeeooouuuch!!!! He cried and fell down on his slay.
"owe that hurt! he said.
Then I said, it was my plan all along.
Fine, he said. You win. I'll give you the pet Kreik!
So I kicked Blondnen out of the house with a "bye, bye, bye". And tucking the Kreikling into my covers, to sleep until santa had left our presents, even a little one for the Kreikling and my own pet, Susana.
Words by Tousled
Transcribed by Kaja
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