i'm fragile.
from surviving.
because what's true is
what doesn't break you
... does actually.
yes, I'm strong.
but in all the wrong doses.
i'm battle strong,
not every day strong.
molded to withstand torture
more than imperfect love.
my vulnerability,
my greatest flaw
false of course.
the grown up
who was never allowed to out-grow
the childish protection of of egocentrism...
until it was all but too late, anyway...
oh heart!
my heart!
broken battered shards of heart
precious all that's left of heart,
perhaps to fragile to find healing heart
find comfort,
learn comfort,
please, oh please,
take comfort!
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Before sharing a comment, please know that I write for myself. I write for my own growth, to help me become a more integrated and grounded person. I invite you to share in this journey in the hopes that my experience will resonate with those who need it to. My purpose is transparency rather than dialogue. As such I will not be responding to anyone individually via this site. If you are in need please seek help for yourself. I will, however, be reading your comments and stories with a heart wide open. If my words mean something to you, it is not by accident that you are here. May healing and hope always be your horizon!